
Duet: A Duel-Action Adulticide Designed to Control Mosquitos


乐虎网蚊控中心今天揭幕 二重唱™, a new dual-action adulticide designed to maximize control of nuisance and disease-carrying mosquitoes.

二重唱结合了两种活性物质:sumithrin, the active ingredient in 乐虎网’s signature adult control product, 铁砧™, 和prallethrin, 以其卓越的击倒能力而闻名. These two actives work in concert to provide excellent control under a variety of operating conditions.

“Duet is a sophisticated dual-actionmosquito adulticide that combines the efficacy of Anvil with the exceptional knockdown of prallethrin, 威廉·珍妮说, Ph.D.全球公共卫生资源高级主任. “Together, these two active ingredients offer superior control more quickly with faster knockdown.”

Initial field trial and cage trial observations have shown that 二重唱 causes “benign agitation” – a non-biting excitation of mosquitoes. Benign agitation has the potential to draw mosquitoes from a resting state – possibly including mosquitoes never before factored into efficacy calculations — into on-the-wing activity.

“Benign agitation could be the key to a whole new approach to mosquito control,” said Jany. “If benign agitation could activate more mosquitoes to fly out from under harborage, 更多的蚊子会被飞沫撞击. “Which means better, more complete control with every operation.”

二重唱具有与Anvil相同的环境概况, which is widely regarded as having minimal environmental impact. There are no reentry precautions for 二重唱 and no special steps need to be taken by residents in areas where 二重唱 is applied. Very little 二重唱 is required for superior control — it is applied in very low dosages of .41液盎司/ac至1.25液盎司/ac的配方产品. 通俗地说, one to just over three tablespoons of formulated product treats an area the size of a football field.

一个明显的优势,为后期应用程序, 二重唱 also demonstrates an ability maintain its efficacy even in colder. This temperature coefficient phenomenon gives improved coverage for early- and late-season applications – prime time for combating West Nile Virus.

二重唱 can be applied via ground or air, and can be applied neat or diluted. 二重唱, registered by the EPA for public health outdoor mosquito control, 并在美国各州广泛注册.S. 二重唱可在2.5 gallon jugs, 30 and 55 gal drums, and 275 gallon totes.

位于伊利诺伊州罗塞尔市的乐虎网蚊子控制公司说., was founded in 1946 as a garage-based home business of mosquito control products and services. 今天, 乐虎网 has grown to have an international presence and utilizes an integrated, science-based approach to mosquito control services and products for residential, 商业和政府客户. It is the largest company devoted to mosquito control in the United States, and has played a significant role in the country’s battle against West Nile Virus.